
Creating Art, Community and Healing

Lydia is a multi-disciplinary artist specialising in creative writing, community engagement and creative health.

She has worked with various communities and organisations in London, such as the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance, London Arts and Health, South London and Maudsley Hospital, Skaped, Green Shoes Arts and Creative Voices Collective.

She is also the pioneer of Allie’s Art Club, a community arts co-operative that brings people together and supports their wellbeing through the arts.

Lydia has a particular talent for writing and performing poetry. She also organises events and facilitates workshops that focus on supporting participants’ creative expression and wellbeing through the arts.


Lydia has a range of creative skills that can support your organisation, project or event:

Workshop Facilitation

As a facilitator, Lydia creates safe and inclusive spaces for participants to express themselves and discuss meaningful topics. She has worked with a diverse range of participants, particularly people from marginalised and disadvantaged backgrounds. Lydia has facilitated a number of creative wellbeing workshops, as well as workshops focusing on topics such as self-care, human rights and activism.

Creative Writing

Lydia’s writing has been published online and in print. She has produced a diverse range of writing, including articles, essays, stories and poems. Her writing comes from an intersectional feminist perspective as a queer, neurodivergent woman of colour, and discusses topics such as women’s rights, mental health, artistic activism and environmental justice.

Spoken Word

Lydia is a talented spoken word performer and has performed her work at multiple events in London. She has also hosted a number of creative events and panel discussions, and is a unique, informed and engaging speaker. Lydia’s spoken word performances focus on her lived experiences and her intersectional perspective on social inequality, violence and oppression.

Project Management

Lydia has worked on a number of creative projects, from design to delivery. She has strong skills in event organising, community engagement and non-violent communication, and delivers projects that focus on empowering participants through supporting their creative expression, social connection and mental health and wellbeing.

Type of Organisation